Optical Calcite


Optical Calcite joins your emotions with your intellect, which results in emotional intelligence. It supports a positive outlook even after you have lost your motivation or are edging close to despair. Because it boosts your energy levels, it helps you overcome laziness. The crystal also calms your mind, enhances your discernment and teaches you how to analyze situations. It helps you to realize which type of information is important to know and which is not then helps you remember the important information. Because of this, it is an excellent crystal for students and other people whose work involves study. Optical calcite gives you the power to convert ideas into action. The crystal is also helpful when it comes to alleviating your emotional stress. It takes away that stress and replaces it with a much longed-for tranquility. It stabilizes your emotions and lets you trust yourself and trust in your ability to overcome setbacks. Optical calcite is such a powerful energy cleanser that simply having a piece in a room clears it of negative energy and heightens your own energy in both your physical body as well as your subtle body. Because a rhombus of clear optical calcite it is able to split light into its colors, it is able to energize, balance and cleanse all of your chakras. As a naturally squarish crystal, it concentrates energy inside of itself and is good for grounding and transforming negative energy into positive energy.